Elite Truck Beds
Custom built Flat beds designedright in our shop. From simple to Fully skirted step side beds.
We can make any custom flat bed for your work to farm to personal use. With boxes or with out boxes, custom design headache racks. Build a Flat bed your way!

Custom Built Stepside 9ft dually contractor bed.

Custom Built Bit Trays, Fully Built toolboxes added to Besler Bale bed with entire bed coverd in bed liner.
Custom Built Cross Boxes.

Ranch Hand Front Bumper Replacement, custom painted and mounted with a light bar, we carry Rigid and Rough Country lights. We offer all major brands of truck accesories from Bumpers and Hitches to steps and light bars.

Besler Flat Bed
Besler Feed Truck Bed
Besler flat bed without boxes, or skirted toolbox flat beds available. beslerindustires.com
Besler Bale Beds Available.